Monstera Adansonii ~ Rooted Cutting
Monstera Adansonii ~ Rooted Cutting
This classic climbing houseplant has been around for a long time and will be here to stay! Known for its heart shaped leaves full of fenestrations, the smaller leaved relative of the Swiss cheese plant (Monstera Deliciosa) is just as popular and easy to care for. If given a support, this plant will reach about 5ft tall in the home, often reaching up to 13ft in its natural environment. Leaves have a thick, waxy texture making it resistant to pests.
Known to be pest and disease resistant, also performing well when left to dry in-between waterings, this houseplant is perfect for beginners or experts alike.
Mature plant shown in first photo.
Additional Information
Additional Information
This, or similar, as shown in photos.
Cuttings are bare rooted and posted in sphagnum moss first class.
Aroid Potting Mix
We have designed this Aroid potting mix to ensure your plants get all the goodness they need.